Injured In Utah

Utah Personal Injury Law: Dog Bites

Under Utah law, the dog owner is 'strictly' liable for injury from a bite. This means that, regardless of whether the dog ever bit anyone before, regardless of whether the owner believed the dog wouldn't bite anyone, the owner is accountable for the cost of injury from a dog bite. Comparative fault for the injury may still be placed on the bitten person. In other words, if the victim is fifty-percent or more to blame for the bite, he or she may not be able to recover at all for their injury. For example, a jury might conclude that taunting a dog to the point that it bites means the person is more than fifty-percent at fault. To fully evaluate whether or not a claim exists, it may be wise to consult with a Utah personal injury lawyer.

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If you are worried, have questions or concerns, call 1.877.359.8400 to speak with an attorney about your personal injury, wrongful death or medical malpractice case. Or, fill out a form for a free, confidential, no-obligation review by a lawyer.