Injured In Utah

After an Auto Accident in Utah.

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The first few days after a car crash leave you at your most vulnerable for two reasons. First, if it is a minor accident, you may not realize the full extent of your injuries. Second, if the injuries are severe, you may not be able to fully appreciate your situation due to pain medication or shock from the accident itself. In either case, a seasoned insurance adjustor (claims investigator) can more easily take advantage of you. You may be contacted by the adjustor immediately or within a few days after the car crash. The adjustor may ask to take a recorded or written statement from you. Beware. You might want to speak with an auto accident lawyer before speaking with the insurance company.

Many people in smaller auto accidents feel 'a little stiff and sore' within a day or two after the accident. Too many people believe that the soreness gets better on its own. Muscle strain and vertebral injuries don't just magically disappear. Under Utah law, all auto insurance policies provide up to $3,000.00 of 'no-fault' coverage for medical expenses. If you feel stiff and sore, get to a doctor who can prescribe physical therapy, massage therapy or even chiropractic treatment. Only proper medical care alleviates injury.

Finally, Utah law allows you to obtain a copy of the accident report. You may do so by visiting the police, sheriff or highway patrol office investigating your accident.

Get Help Now - Call 1.877.359.8400.

If you are worried, have questions or concerns, call 1.877.359.8400 to speak with an attorney about your personal injury, wrongful death or medical malpractice case. Or, fill out a form for a free, confidential, no-obligation review by a lawyer.

Get Help Now - Call 1.877.359.8400.

If you are worried, have questions or concerns, call 1.877.359.8400 to speak with an attorney about your personal injury, wrongful death or medical malpractice case. Or, fill out a form for a free, confidential, no-obligation review by a lawyer.