Injured In Utah

How Common Is Medical Malpractice?

Despite a high degree of trust in our medical profession, even doctors sometimes slip up. In fact, a study conducted by Harvard University found that approximately 4% of patients suffered a wholly preventable injury during their hospital stay. 1 Of those victims, 14% died as a result of the medical negligence. If these rates are consistent throughout the country, this would mean 180,000 people die annually as a result of medical negligence. By comparison, less than 40,000 people die annually as a result of auto accidents. 2

1. Patients, Doctors, and Lawyers: Medical Injury, Malpractice Litigation, and Patient Compensation in New York. The Report of the Harvard Medical Practice Study to the State of New York. Harvard Medical Practice Study (1990).

2. National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration statistics show that no more than 38,000 people died annually in traffic accidents for the years 1994-2002.

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If you are worried, have questions or concerns, call 1.877.359.8400 to speak with an attorney about your personal injury, wrongful death or medical malpractice case. Or, fill out a form for a free, confidential, no-obligation review by a lawyer.

Get Help Now - Call 1.877.359.8400.

If you are worried, have questions or concerns, call 1.877.359.8400 to speak with an attorney about your personal injury, wrongful death or medical malpractice case. Or, fill out a form for a free, confidential, no-obligation review by a lawyer.